Following the removal from the Canadian market of certain FFP2 protective face masks containing graphene in April 2021, the French authorities suspended their distribution while ANSES assessed the health risks of wearing these masks. Due to a lack of data on the toxicity of graphene, the Agency now recommends giving priority to the marketing of graphene-free masks.
Surgical masks: health thresholds not exceeded for chemical contaminants
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, surgical masks have been used daily by millions of people. Based on the investigations conducted by the DGCCRF, ANSES assessed the health risks associated with the presence of chemicals in surgical masks. The results showed no cases where health thresholds were exceeded, when the recommended conditions of use were followed.
Bee health: review of the latest research findings
Studying the causes of bee mortality, identifying the pathogens affecting bees, taking better account of the effect of pesticides on their health… Every two years, the Agency organises a one-day meeting on the research, expert appraisal and surveillance work relating to bees. This is an opportunity to review the various research projects carried out by the Agency on this theme.
Zootopique, the ANSES podcast with a focus on the future, has won a Grand Prix Stratégies award for communication in the field of healthcare. Set up in partnership with The Conversation and Moustic Studio, the series took silver in the "podcast” category.
National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health: results of the 2021 calls for research projects
Thirty-three research projects have been selected by ANSES under the 2021 PNR EST. They will receive a total of €6 million in funding. This research will provide new knowledge on environmental risks to human health, in the general population or at work, and to ecosystems.
Rat poison: only use products authorised in France
Two young children have died after accidentally swallowing a rat poison banned in France. ANSES wishes to warn consumers of the danger of these products and to reiterate its recommendations for avoiding accidents.
ANSES provides support for testing a weekly vegetarian menu in schools
The French EGAlim Act established a two-year trial to introduce a weekly vegetarian menu in school canteens. ANSES was asked by the Directorate General for Health and the Directorate General for Food to provide its scientific support twice in the context of implementing the trial.
How to better prevent risks of ingestion of metal fragments by cows
Foreign bodies, particularly metal objects, are sometimes accidentally mixed with cattle feed. Ingestion of metal objects can cause damage to internal organs, which can lead to death in the worst cases. Following a request from the association Robin des Bois, ANSES has just published an expert appraisal report to determine the extent of the problem. This report recommends preventive measures to reduce the risk of metal fragment ingestion by cows and suggests that magnets can be administered as an effective method for avoiding injury.
Cumulative exposure in the workplace: 12 profiles to inform prevention policies
During their careers, employees may be exposed simultaneously to a number of sources of stress likely to affect their health in the short or long term. These include night work, exposure to biological agents or chemicals, a lack of resources, or workplace tensions. Taking account of this cumulative exposure or multiple exposure is a major challenge in developing effective prevention policies and improving occupational health in France. A study conducted jointly by ANSES, Santé Publique France and DARES shows that all employees are concerned, regardless of their occupation or sector of activity. It also describes a number of typical profiles for cumulative exposure.